InTDS ArchivebyNatassha Selvaraj5 Free Resources to Learn Math for Data ScienceIf you want to learn data science and don’t have a background in math, start here.Mar 18, 20223Mar 18, 20223
InFinTechExplainedbyFarhad MalikEver Wondered Why Normal Distribution Is So Important?Explaining the reasons why Gaussian distribution is so successful and widely used probability distributionJun 20, 201911Jun 20, 201911
InTDS ArchivebyTony YiuUnderstanding Logistic Regression Using a Simple ExampleLogistic regression is one of the foundational tools for making classifications. And as a future data scientist, I expect to be doing a…May 5, 20193May 5, 20193
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InTDS ArchivebyKaushik KatariCentral Limit Theorem(CLT): Data ScienceLearning about the Central Limit Theorem(CLT) using Inferential Statistics and its uses in Data Science.Aug 31, 20201Aug 31, 20201
InTDS ArchivebyAbhishek ParbhakarWhy Data Scientists love Gaussian?Three main reasons why Gaussian distribution is so popular with deep learning, machine learning engineers and scientists of all breed!May 27, 201822May 27, 201822
InTDS ArchivebyCasey ChengPrincipal Component Analysis (PCA) Explained Visually with Zero MathPrincipal Component Analysis (PCA) is an indispensable tool for visualization and dimensionality reduction for data science but is often…Feb 3, 202217Feb 3, 202217
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